Pressure control
Pressure measurement the valves has a great impact on the quality of the product. "The test pressure" is a device that tests the individual valve before leaving the factory. To improve the measurement was designed hardware "Pressure Control", which is based on the Cortex-M3 processor. For visual form and control system was programmed by "Pressure Show", which is written in the programming language C #. In "Pressure show" to set the parameters for measuring a minimum pressure measurement from the top, bottom, sides, and delay time measurements valves, pressure limits for a good product. Evaluation during the measurement is recorded in the chart at the end of the individual data stored in the company's ERP system. The program allows printing the measurement and batch damper on the printer in a variety of languages that are sent from the product to the customer.
Hardware "Pressure Control" controls the individual pneumatic valves that control air distribution to tlakovačky. Great emphasis was placed on quality pressure measurements. Since the measurement is performed in a wide range of pressure tests (4-10 Bar) was necessary to select an acceptable A/D converter. Pressure measurement is performed 24-bit A/D converter with a resolution 0,0059mBar. In reality, we know that the transmitter is noisy and it is to be expected with inaccurate values of 2 order. If you move the resolution converter 2 orders get the real resolution of 0.59 mbar. The required quality of measurement was established for 1mbar. The operator controls the "Presure control" using control devices with buttons START, STOP, STOP TOTAL. Measurements can also be started and stopped using hotkeys on the keyboard [Spacebar = Stop, CTRL + F5 = start].
Hardware "Pressure Control" is built on a processor ARM Cortex-M3 STM32F100RB (128 KB flash, 8 KB RAM in 64-pin LQFP). The program is written in C programming language development environment Atollic True studio.
Video movie:
How to work pressure control and Visual program.